
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Stainless Steel Cleaner

Last year, I bought a stainless steel refrigerator. I love it! The freezer is on the bottom and it is so easy to get the items I need from the refrigerator on top. There is one thing that I do not like - the fingerprints that are all over the doors (actually, there are 2 things I do not like - the doors of the frig are not magnetic! Who would have thought? Where will all my magnets go?). I have tried various cleaners and low and behold, nothings seems to do the job!

I saw this DIY cleaner on Pinterest - yes I am addicted! I admit I spend way too much time pinning but I have learned so much. 

Anyway, here are the ingredients: Homemade stainless steel cleaner - In a spray bottle, I mix together 2/3 parts white vinegar, a few drops of dish soap, and 1/3 part water. Spray the frig and wipe with a microfiber cloth

Here is the before picture:

Here is the after picture (this is the picture from the tutorial):

Here is the link: Home Stories A to Z

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